Annual statement 2017

Just so you know, and in case your employees ask, we’re sending members their annual statements which they should receive by the end of September.
Those who’ve opted to receive their statement electronically will be emailed or sent an SMS link to their interactive digital statement. If we don’t have their digital details, they will receive a paper statement.
Please encourage your employees to check and update their details through MemberAccess
at or use the Live Chat at, so they can receive and enjoy the optimal interactive statement experience.
The benefits of electronic statements
With electronic statements, not only can members see key account information at a glance, such as their account balance, contribution history and insurance details, they can also interact with their account and with Rest.
It’s easy and convenient for members to manage things like:
  • updating their details
  • having live chats with a Rest Specialist if they have any questions, and
  • combining their super.
A super time to combine
If any of your employees have multiple super accounts they will soon be receiving multiple super statements. That means they’re also paying multiple fees, which can add up to thousands of dollars over time. Dollars, which could be better used building a bigger nest egg for their retirement.
Combine any time

There are some very real benefits of combining super accounts, and your employees can do this any time with Rest.
Simply use our Live Chat at or click on the combine your super banner on to use the online tool. It’s quick and easy and any lost super your employees hold with the ATO can also be automatically combined as well.
One final consideration, we would encourage your employees to speak to a financial adviser to check how combining their super might affect their insurance and benefits.  Also, they should check if any exit fees might be applicable from their current fund or funds.